Repair & Reverse damaged skin in 6 ways.

Repair & Reverse damaged skin in 6 ways.
Age spots, deep wrinkles, or a little bit of drooping skin on your face are all signs of structural changes brought on by skin damage and ageing.
Have you ever questioned why your hand ages, gets dull and develops wrinkles?
That's because, with time, in addition to the impacts of ageing, your environment also has an impact on your skin, especially the sun.
- Shield yourself against the sun
One of the most important things you can do to protect your skin is from the sun. The chance of developing skin cancer, wrinkles, age spots, and other skin problems rises with prolonged sun exposure.
To provide the best possible sun protection:
Wear Sunblock on. Make use of a broad-spectrum sunscreen with a minimum SPF of 15. Apply ample amounts of sunscreen and reapply every two hours.
For best results, use TrulyKomal SPF 50++ Sunblock. This sunblock protects the skin from UV rays without making the skin greasy. It is incredibly safe for all skin types. It has the following benefits:
Infused in Zinc, it protects the skin from the harm full effects of the sun without damaging the skin.
- It has SPF 50++ that provides 98% protection against UV rays.
- Unlike other Sun Blocks, It does not leave any white residue.
- It makes the skin smooth and moisturises it.
- Eat a balanced diet
By eating a healthy diet, you can feel and look your best. Eat lots of fruits, whole grains, lean meats, and fresh produce. It's unclear whether food contributes to acne, but some study indicates that eating a diet high in fish oil or fish oil supplements and low in harmful fats and refined or processed carbs may help you look younger. In addition, keeping your skin hydrated is made easier by drinking lots of water.
- Wash your Face twice a day
Wash your face twice a day and just after you've perspired a lot. You should immediately cleanse your skin after sweating since perspiration irritates the skin.
- Moisturise your skin
Every day, moisturise your face. By holding water in our skin, moisturiser makes it look younger, supple & fresh.
- Use a toner
Why is a toner necessary?
Toners are beneficial in a few ways.
They balance the pH of the skin and remove any residue that your cleanser might have left behind.
You should be paying attention to the pH of your skin. Your skin barrier won't be able to operate correctly if your pH is out of balance. In addition, it won't recover since it will be even more vulnerable to injury and dryness.
Try using TrulyKomal Tone & Set mist. This mist profoundly hydrates your skin, refreshes it and makes it glow. It can also be used as a makeup setting spray to set your makeup.
- Start using Facial Oil
Your daily moisturiser should be a workhorse that provides more than just essential moisture when it comes to nurturing your skin. Facial oils are a great source of topical vitamins, fatty acids, and skin-supporting characteristics. They also assist in restoring moisture levels, which creates the perfect atmosphere for your skin to grow. Our preferred face oil for the skin includes TrulyKomal Multivitamin Face Infusion Oil.
The conclusion
We understand the frustration that skin injury can cause. Rash decisions might be caused by anxiety and irritation. Therefore, take a deep breath before taking drastic measures or spending much money on cosmetic procedures. Use the most incredible skin care products on your skin, and remember to be patient. Show your skin some extra attention. Every worthwhile thing requires time. As much as we would like a skin metamorphosis to happen instantly, it takes time. Embrace the procedure.