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Planning to take and break from your hectic schedule and go on a holiday? Go ahead, because you deserve it!!

But make sure you do not break your skincare regimen!!

Why is skincare important while traveling?

Although going on a vacation is relaxing for the body and mind, it might not do the same for your skin.

When you travel, you are exposed to factors such as changes in weather, a new diet, the sun, and environmental pollutants. Your regular routine and sleep patterns also change when you travel. Many people face travel stress, which often damages the skin.

Sometimes, especially during long-duration transit, you might not even get the time to wash your face properly. This allows dead skin cells to accumulate on the surface of your unclean skin, leading to skin breakouts and uneven skin tone.

All this calls for a travel skincare routine. Make sure you take out a little time to care for your skin even while traveling. A travel routine does not need to be complicated; neither does it have to be too elaborate.

All you need is a bit of planned packing, and keep some skincare essentials in your bag that help you maintain your skin. All you need keep a few skins ‘Must-Haves” which will help you maintain your skin.

Mentioned below are some skincare essentials that you MUST take along while traveling.

1. Carry an instant toning spray:

A good quality toner keeps the skin hydrated while instantly refreshing the skin. It removes traces of dirt, grime, and impurities stuck in your pores and works to tighten the skin. It further works to replenish the skin with nutrients that it often loses on a daily basis, especially while traveling.

While traveling, it is ideal to keep a toner that is easy to carry and can be sprayed.


2. Carry your face cleanser or face wash:

Carrying a face wash or cleanser while traveling is a must! Make sure you do not use new products while you travel, especially if there is no one to vouch for them. Daily Cleaning makes sure that your skin is free of dirt, pollution, and impurities at the end of the day.


3. Moisturizer:

Don’t forget to pack a good moisturizer! Moisturizers help maintain skin health. Not only do they keep the skin hydrated, but also prevent breakouts while protecting the skin from problems caused by sun exposure and /or excessive dryness. Make sure you moisturize your skin before you board your flight, this will protect the skin from damage against dry air inside planes.


4. Your Sunblock:

One of the most important skincare products that you MUST NOT leave home without is sunblock.

We all know that sunblock protects the skin from the most harmful forms of UV rays. The UVA rays are strong enough to penetrate even through glass, making your skin vulnerable wherever you are, even when you are traveling. Sunblocks are the best shield against these rays, reducing the likelihood of pigmentation, sunspots, and sunburns. They also reduce the risk of contracting skin cancers.

Double the layer you apply if your holiday involves beach and water sports.


5. An eye serum:

The area around the eyes often tends to get dry especially during travel. Reasons might be less water intake, travel stress, or lack of sleep. This calls for a good quality eye serum that deeply penetrates the skin and rejuvenates the eyes immediately.

Regular use treats various eye conditions such as dehydration, sagging skin, and dark spots.



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